Aqua Deck PCV Tiles Adaptable Pool Flooring
Do you want a versatile and easily movable mat that isn’t not too big or one that you can
easily fit into showers and changing areas?
Then our Aqua deck PVC mattting is for you. Its super easy to move, clean and maintain and
will last a long time due to its non-pourous and anti bacterialqualities.
As these anti-slip mats are 30.5 x 30.5 cm they are perfect for shower areas and corners of
your swimming pool areas and changing rooms or steam room.
Our mats are 10mm and once laid down, they are 12mm due to the material under the flooring.
Our aqua deck matting comes with beveled edges so you can ensure the comfort and safety of
the people using your pool or wet areas, these provide a small ramp so people don’t stub
their toes while walking into it.
See the image below for more information.